Web Application Development

Lelander has been listening to customers’ needs and building custom solutions for over a decade.
When it makes more sense to build, integrate or modernize than simply buy, Lelander has you covered. Most of our applications start out in one of three application frameworks; Microsoft .NET, Laravel on PHP, or Node.JS. And don’t forget about frontend functionality, JavaScript reigns uncontested in that arena but the big three frameworks, Vue, React and Angular, provide a tremendous amount of value and we are comfortable with them all.
We’re tech agnostic, we speak your language.
Which Application Development language is right for you?
Microsoft .NET Development
Mid-to-large corporations benefit greatly from Microsoft’s Service Level Agreements and support. Microsoft designed .NET to live within its own broad ecosystem of products. Having a worldwide network of programmers doesn’t hurt matters. With service, compatibility, and worldwide support eliminating the barriers to entry, companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500’s made .NET and C# their platform and language of choice.
Laravel Development
An unsung hero in the startup, agency, and small-to-medium-sized business space, Laravel applications have emerged as one of the leaders in rapid PHP development. The framework has a big following and keeps developers happy with oodles of out-of-the-box features.
Node.JS Development
JavaScript has taken the world by storm. When it first started getting traction in the early 2000s as a front-end interactivity layer, few foresaw the potential in allowing developers to write JavaScript everywhere. This move captured the attention of thousands of skilled developers and got them productive and valuable in short order.
Frontend Development
Vue, React, and Angular are popular frontend frameworks that provide a large portion (in some cases all of) the dynamic functionality of a web application. Using one of these existing frameworks speeds up development and helps establish and maintain good architecture. Combined with static site generators and/or backend APIs they can form the basis for a Jamstack application or website.
What about Rust, Go, Java, Python, or even ColdFusion?
There are dozens of answers, and often more than one of them is correct. As luck would have it, we have developers in our network that can assist here as well. Need a partner to navigate these waters? Get in touch with us (314) 937-7189, and we’ll put our heads together. We’re always up for a challenge.
Get in touch.
"Web applications are a foundational part of our modern connected world, allowing users to create, connect, share, and communicate. They provide the ability to build everything from the earliest proof-of-concept to prove out a new startup idea and scale all the way up to building major services used worldwide like Google and Facebook."